Saturday, February 11, 2012

Home-cooked: wild boar meat in honey

Hubby’s recipe Winking smile

What you need:

  • A chunk of wild boar meat
  • Some honey
  • Sugar
  • Light soy sauce
  • Pepper
  • Onion, cut it into slices

Marinate the wild boar meat with honey, sugar, light soy sauce and pepper overnight as wild boar meat has a distinct smell.

Heat up some oil in wok or pan. Place meat in and let it cook. Once almost cook, remove it and let it cool down a little before slicing the meat. After slicing it, place it back into the same wok and continue cooking. Add the sliced onion for some zest and stir-fry it until cook. Serve when ready.

Note: make sure you slice the meat thinly as wild boar meat is very rubbery hard.

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