Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Homemade: easy peasy guai ling gou

What you need:
5 pkts guai ling gou powder
6 cups water
1 pkt rock sugar (optional)
3-4 pcs pandan leaves

Pour all guai ling gou powder into a rice cooker pot, for easy measurement, and mixed with a little hot water. Stir until it's well blended. Add 6 cups of water or you can measure according to the rice cooker pot i.e. filled it up to the indicator line 6. Add in rock sugar and pandan leaves.
Placed pot on a low to medium fire. Keep stirring it until it thickens. Once thickened, you can pour it into clean and dry containers. Cool it down before placing it in the fridge. Ready to be served once cold.
You can also make it without adding the rock sugar. You can then eat it with pure honey which is a much healthier version.

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