Saturday, February 18, 2012

Home-cooked: steamed fish with taucu sauce

What you need:
  • 1 medium size fish (I'm using Tilapia [fei zhou]), fresh and cleaned
For the taucu sauce:
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3 salted plums, minced
  • 3 tsps salted plum's sauce
  • 3 - 5 red chilli's (I'm using cili padi), minced
  • 5 - 7 tsps whole bean paste (taucu, you can add more if you prefer more taucu sauce), minced
  • Sugar, to taste
  • A dash of sesame seed oil
Add minced garlic, plums, cili padi, taucu and plum sauce into a bowl. Stir it evenly. Add a dash of sesame seed oil and sugar, continue to stir evenly. Taste the sauce to ensure it is salty, sweet, sour and spicy enough. Once ready, set aside.

Place the fish into a steaming plate. Pour the sauce all over the fish evenly, cover it like a blanket. Set aside. Heat up a wok of water. Once boiling, place the plate of fish on the steaming tray and cover with hood. As fish is on the big side, steam it for 10 mins. Once ready, off the heat and let the steam 'cook' the fish for another 10 mins before serving it. Scrape the sauce into the steamed water (from fish and steaming, you can see from pix below the water surrounding the fish) and mix it together as gravy and serve.

Steamed fish with taucu sauce

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